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 The WAUK Talent Pool

This pool of talent is to be found on the WAUK mailing list (Work Alone in the UK). Not everyone works with everyone else, some of those listed here may not have formed noded teams yet. This large list has not been vetted for technical competence and therefore no warranty is offerred or implied, if you choose to work with another member of the WAUK list based on what's posted here, you should make the usual risk assessment.

Some of the individuals have formed smaller Noded teams and you could expect to find details on the team members websites.

“Noded Team - A group of individuals, often but not necessarily geographically far apart, that come together to form temporary or recurring project teams. Unlike ‘distributed teams’ Noded teams work for a wide range of clients and any member of a Noded team can take the lead to bring in work, manage work and choose their team members. ”

“As a freelancer the other team members are the people you will do your future sales with. They are the ones that will set you up in their future projects. If you fail them you have nothing to fall back on. So in a team of freelancers you and your fellow freelancers automatically do what's best for the group and the project and that is something your clients benefit from.”